Diploma courses after 12th Commerce- Earn 10,000 to 50,000 per month

Many a times we are not interested in pursuing the regular education path or may be push the regular graduation and post graduation for latter and instead pursue some job oriented courses so that we become job ready as early as possible and this can be due to various reasons like family obligations or loosing faith in regular education path or may be at the moment you are not really sure which graduation course you should undertake. So it can be anything. So friends if you are a 12th commerce pass out and are in this situation, check this out. Today I a going to list out the diploma courses after 12th commerce which you can do to become market ready.

Why to do diploma courses after 12th Commerce.

Few advantage which it offers are

Field Specific course

This is the best advantage of doing a diploma course after 12th commerce. Finance or commerce itself is a vast area and there are many fields in this area. Most of the diploma courses are field specific. There are diploma courses which are generic in nature like Diploma in Management. But majority are field specific like Diploma in Financial Accounting. So you see it gives you an option to be more specific to your interest.

Gives time to plan you career

Now for example you have done 12th commerce but you are not sure if you should do CA or CS or MBA in finance. So you are undecided and would need time to think. Doing diploma will give you time to decide on that and also it will not waste your year as you will we doing something which will be an specific area of commerce or finance. This is a great benefit which these courses offers. It might even happen that you decide that you don’t want to be in finance any more would do a management degree instead. So this can be a great way to start with.

Less cost of education

This is another important factor which works in the favour. Since these are diploma courses the cost of the course is less and hence less financial burden on you or your family.

Early financial independence

This also brings in an early financial independence. You become job ready with in a year. Then you start supporting yourselves and start saving money. You can start your regular education after that in online / distance or part time mode or save sufficient money to pursue the full time education. remember the age is still on your side so you don’t loose much.

List of Diploma Courses after class 12th commerce

Below is the list of possible courses which you can do after you have completed your 12th with commerce background. Always choose the one which interests you and not the one which your friends are taking because this can define your career path. So go ahead and look at below in more details.

Diploma in Banking and Finance

Duration Of Course : 1 year

What is taught in this course: This course is specifically designed for banking domain and it covers are the aspect of bank operations and finance. It covers banking, global trade, international banking, exchange rates, interest rates, investment banking, corporate banking, stock markets, trading, credit, loans, risk management, Auditing etc. So it covers almost all the aspect of banking. Both domestic and international. It is a very good career option for people who are really interested in the area of banking.

Job Prospects after this course: People with this skill set are employed as Financial Analysts, Credit and Risk Managers, Bank officers, Bank Executives, Loan Officers, Internal Auditors etc. There are careers in banks, financial institutions, etc. If you are planning to do further studies then salaries can really grow very well.

How much you can earn : Starting salaries in this field are Rs 10,000 to 15,000 per month.

Diploma in Financial Accounting

Duration Of Course : 1 year

What is taught in this course: This is one of the pure accounting diplomas. The students are taught the fundamentals of Business Law, Auditing, Accounting, Taxation and Management skills.
Communication skills are also in focus here.

Job Prospects after this course: Jobs after this course are mostly in the area of account maintenance and finance department of different organisations. Tasks like cash flow statements, taxes, profits and loss statements etc are part of job

How much you can earn : Starting salaries for people with diploma in financial accounting is somewhere around Rs10,000 to 15,000 per month. But the salary increases with experience and if you do some advanced courses like CA , CS then sky is the limit.

Diploma in Computer Accounting

Duration of Course: 1 year

What is taught in this course: Candidates learn the fundamentals of managing accounts, payroll, tracking incomes and expenditure, analyzing forecasts and budgeting etc. Diploma in computer Accounting also introduces to students to the software and systems used in accounts management. For example software like Tally is taught during the or any other accounting software is taught along with the fundamentals of accounting. It is a basic accounting course with more focus on using computers.

Job prospects after diploma in accounting: There are many. From small businesses to big corporate houses, the need for such skilled resources are there. Career profile includes (but not limited to) include Audit Officers, Tax Consultants, Cashier, Business Executives, Accountant, Commercial Assistant, Accounts Officer, Commercial Officer, and much more.

Earning Potential: People with diploma in computer accounting can easily earn 10,000 to Rs 20,000 per month to start with. Salary increases with experience.

Diploma in Business Management

Duration of Course : 1 year

What is taught in this course : Diploma in Business Management is a short term course which you can do in 1 year time frame. This course can actually be a stepping stone towards your career in management. Though just doing a diploma is not enough for a great career in management, this can be a stepping stone.

Business Management talks about the activities related with running an organization or a company. this course gives the students knowledge into the general functioning of a business and give an outline of the different management disciplines.

Job Prospects after this course: Business management is a goof field to be in. But remember this short term course can only be a stepping stone. If you want a great career you need to study further.

Earning Potential: Starting salaries in this area is around Rs10,000 to 15,000 per month.

Diploma in Financial Management

Course Duration: 1 year

What is taught in the course: This is more of a theoretical course and introduces the students to the area of financial management theories, financial decision making frameworks and interpret various financial statements. Create financial strategies and risk management.

Job Prospects after this course: It is a very good course and has very good job prospects with roles like Management Trainee, Administrative Officer, Financial Consultant, Financial Accountant, Financial Services & Research Analyst, Investment Analyst, Finance Manager, Equity Research Analyst Internal Auditor, Investment Banker, Loan Counsellor etc. There are many job opportunities and this is a good course to do in the area of finance. You can do further studies to improve your job prospects further.

Earning Potential: Starting salaries are also good in this area with salaries being Rs20,000 to 50,000 per month. Which is very good.

Diploma in Computer Applications

Course Duration : 1 year

What is taught in this course : This course is more to propel you in the field of IT / Computer Science. If you have 12th Commerce, you might not be able to get a admission to regular IT / Computer science courses. But your interest has changed and now you want to get into IT field. This is the best way to move into this field. You can do diploma and then post graduate diploma courses. You will in this course get the knowledge of various software and programming related knowledge. But remember this will not get a very high paying IT job. You need to study further.

Job Prospects after this course: You can get entry level jobs. You can become computer operator, Graphics designer, Web designer etc. So if you want to excel further in this area you need to study further. This course will only propel you into IT field since you are commerce student.

Earning Potential: You can earn around Rs 8000 to Rs 12,000 per month. These are starting salaries but just with this course you will not be able to grow much. You have to study further.

From where to do these diploma courses

You need to figure this out. There must be colleges or institutes in your city which will offer these diploma courses. My suggestion is not to leave your city for these courses. Remember these courses are only a stepping stone into your future career in the area of accounting and finance. To grow further you need more higher degrees and you should do those higher degrees from best of the colleges.

Going to another city adds up to you expenses. You will get an entry level job after diploma courses and hence it is not advisable to spend a fortune on this. Do it from you city. Assess your interest while doping this course. In the mean time keep looking for best courses and plan your future path based on that. Once you have decided what you want to do next, you can move on and may be change your city if needed.

Now that is my personal advice. You can take your own informed decision.

Closing Comments

Any course is worth it as it adds knowledge. It adds value to your life if you able to learn what it offers. Just by doing a course does not guarantee a high paying job. You need to constantly keep on upgrading yourselves. So if you just do diploma you may be start earning around 10,000 per month. But if you do not upgrade yourselves further, you will get stuck at that. So as I have mentioned before you need to use this time for planning and along with that get the basic understanding of area you are interested in. This will definitely push your career up!

Courses in Agriculture after 12th

So guys those were our list of diploma courses after 12th. Hope if give you an idea of what you should look for after 12th commerce if you decided not to pursue the regular graduation degree. In case you have any further questions you can write to me at skumar@indiacareeradvice.com or post your comments in the comment box below. Good luck!

Your friend Sanjeev!


Hello Friends, my name is Sanjeev Kumar. I am from Kanpur and I have been in the industry of education, training and mentoring for 20 years now. I love imparting what I have learnt and sharing my knowledge. I hope my articles benefit you.

On this website you will also find information regarding goverment jobs, goverment schemes , various scholorships , etc.

Hope you find all these information helpful!
You can write to me at skumar@indiacareeradvice.com

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