KV Admissions 2020-21 – Kendriya Vidyalaya Admissions Online Registration Process

Kendriya Vidyalaya are one of the best CBSE schools in country. With one of the best teachers and infrastructure Kendriya Vidyalayas are one of the most sought after schools for admission to class 1 to class 12th. This information is about KV Admissions 2020-21, please keep visiting this page for updates.

Kendriya Vidyalaya admissions are notified by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan and the forms are released by KV Sangathan every year for admissions to current academic year. The forms are released along with the guidelines and eligibility criteria to fill the form. The official website for admissions registration is kvsonlineadmission.in

Update: The form is not yet released, so please keep visiting this site for further updates. We will keep updating this page with latest information.

KV Admissions 2020-21

Kendriya Vidyalaya quick facts

FoundedFounded in 1963 and was called as Central Schools. Still many people refer to it as Central Schools.
Operates UnderAll KV’s operate under the aegis of MHRD, Govt Of India
How manyThere are 1000+ Kendriya Vidyalayas across country with few situated abroad as well
AffiliationAll the central schools (kendriya Vidyalayas) are affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) since inception
Motto“Yanartha Pravesh, Sewavrtha Prasthan” this means “Enter for knowledge, Leave for Service”
AdmissionsNotifications are released by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan every year during March for admissions to upcoming academic year. Official website for KV Sangathan ( https://kvsangathan.nic.in/ )

KV Admissions 2020 Dates

Below are the tentative dates for KVS Admissions 2020 . Generally the registration starts in March, but looking at the current situation this year, the admission procedure is a bit delayed. So please keep on checking this page for updates. We will update the dates and links with information as soon as we receive. You can also have a look at Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan website ( https://kvsangathan.nic.in ) for more details.

#1Release of Notification for admission for 2020-21Generally this is in March, but this year it is expected April
#2Registration on Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan’s online admissions website
After the release of Notification by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan ( expected in April)
#3Last Date for application to class 1Will be known once notification is out (Will be in April)
#4First list of selected children for admission to class 1Expected to be in April
#5 Second list of selected children for admission to class 1Expected to be by end of April
#6 Third list of selected children for admission to class 1Expected to be in May
#7Registration for class 2 to 8Expected to be in April. Please wait for notification from KV Sangathan.
There is no online application for this and is done in offline mode.
#8Admissions to class 11After declaration of class Xth Board results. No online application. Done in offline mode.
#9Admission closesby 1st week of July

Seat Allocation Criteria

During admissions seats are generally allocated based on below criteria. This is true across all Kendriya Vidyalayas.

  • The first preference to given to Central Government Employees & Ex Service Men (all the childrens of ex service men from defence forces).
    • For all parent with central govt jobs, the first preference is for wards of parents in defense services (i.e army, navy and air force) and paramilitary forces.
    • The second preference is for central government employees with non-transferrable jobs
    • And the third preference goes to employees in Public Sector units.
  • The second preference is give to State Govt Employees
    • Here as well the first preference goes to employees with transferable jobs
    • And second preference is for employees with non-transferable jobs
  • The third preference is under Single Girl Child quota
  • Next preference is given to admissions under RTE. We have a good article on RTE. It is in Hindi, but please read it further if you would like to know more
  • And the last preference is given to private ad self employed.

There are also admissions under MP quota ( Member of parliaments from Loksabha and Rajyasabha) and we will mention that latter in this article.

Important Guidelines for applying to Kendriya Vidyalayas

Age Criteria

A Child must be 5 years old as on 31st March in the academic year in which
admission is sought for Class I. (Child born on 1st April should also be considered.)

CLASSMINIMUM AGE Requirement (as of 31st March)MAXIMUM AGE Requirement (as of 31st March)
15 years7 years
26 years 8 years
37 years 9 years
48 years 10 years
59 years 11 years
610 years 12 years
711 years 13 years
812 years 14 years
913 years 15 years
1014 years 16 years
11There is no minimum Age Limit There is no Maximum Age limit
12 There is no minimum Age Limit There is no Maximum Age limit

As mentioned above there are no age limit for admissions to class XI and XII. Admissions are based on seat vacancy in the KV applied. The admissions are also based on the marked obtained in any of the class X board examinations.

  • Science Stream (Physics / Chemistry/Mathematics. Biology): Must have obtained 60% marks. Aggregate marks of all the subjects.
  • Commerce Stream (Commerce/Finance): Minimum 50% marks. Aggregate marks of all the subjects
  • Arts Stream: Should have passed class Xth

KV Admissions Reservation Criteria

Category wise registrations are as mentioned below

  • Schedule Tribe (ST) : 7.5%
  • Schedule Caste (SC): 15%
  • Differently Abled Candidates: 3%
  • Childrens from Economically Weaker sections (EWS) : 25%

Seats reserved for SC/ST may be interchanged .

The definition/eligibility criteria of Disadvantaged Group/Weaker Section/BPL/OBC (Non-creamy layer) will be as per the notification of the concerned State Governments.(The DC KVS RO Concerned may issue guidelines regarding BPL/EWS as per the latest notification of the concerned State Governments) .

Child belonging to weaker section means a child belonging to such a parent or guardian (declared by a Court or a Statute) whose annual income is lower than the minimum limit specified by the appropriate government, by notification (Section 2(e)). The income limit regarding economically weaker sections will be applicable as notified by the State Govt. concerned.

Documents needed for admission to Class I

Below are the documents needed if you are applying for class I admissions.

  • Birth Certificate (Age proof) : This can be birth certificate issued by lets says municipal corporation or gram panchayat or any other govt office
  • Address proof
  • Category certificate (SC/ST/EWS/OBC/BPL) if applicable
  • Certificate of disability if applicable
  • Ex Servicemen proof , if applicable
  • Relationship proof for Grandchildren of PSU employees and Members of Parliament.
  • Relationship proof for Children / Grandchildren of KVS employees.

How to apply for Kendriya Vidyalaya Admissions 2020 for Class 1

Step 1 : Register Online

  • Visit the website https://kvsonlineadmission.in/. This is the official website for registering and applying for admission to all the Kendriya Vidyalayas. You need to register here and then apply here for class 1. Registration and application are two different steps.
  • Click on the REGISTER tab. You will be able to see the register tab on the right hand side top of the home page of the above website.
  • Click on “NEW REGISTRATIONS” . Click on the new registrations button and a new page will open up.
  • Now you will see “READ INSTRUCTIONS” page. This page is available in multiple language and choose the language you are comfortable in and read through the instructions. Make sure that you read this completely. And the click on “PROCEED” button.
  • A new form is opened and you need to fill in all the fields including the mobile number (give the mobile number which you always carry as all notification and OTP will come here) and click on REGISTER button.
  • You will receive an OTP on mobile. This is the mobile number you have provided during the registration. Verify the OTP and you will get the “Registration Complete” page.
  • Registration Completion page will have few details. You will get login code there. This is most important.
  • So take a print out of this page and keep it safe as you will need this information in filling up the application form for class 1.

Step 2: Fill the Application form For Class I

This is the next step. You should have login code once you register as I have given in the step above. Follow those instructions step by step if you have still not registered. Registration is mandatory before filling up the application form.

  • Open the KVS Admission portal as mentioned in above step. The link is given above.
  • Now click on “LOGIN” tab.
  • Fill in the details and click on NEXT button. You will have all the detailed in the page printout which you have taken in Step 2.
  • Fill parent details and click on “NEXT
  • Now you need to fill which KV schools you would like to apply. You can give choice for 3 schools. After filling the 3 choices you need to click NEXT
  • Upload the documents : this is next step, you need to upload the required documents. What documents are need, check the next section below. Once all documents are uploaded click on the “PREVIEW” button.
  • Check all the details you have entered once again. Then click on “SUBMIT” button.
  • You will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number.
  • Verify the OTP
  • After successful verification, you will get a page with successful submission message and details. You will have a print button there. take the printout and keep it safe.
  • You can check the status of your application by clicking on “APPLICATION STATUS

How to apply for Kendriya Vidyalaya Admissions for Class II to IX and Class XI/XII

For classes from 2 onwards. You need to check at the schools first as the admissions are based against the vacant seats. So please visit the school where you would like to get the admission for your ward. For class XII admissions, you should first wait for Class X board results.

Pls Note: If applications are more than the number of seats, lottery system will be followed in each category including single girl child quota (Class VI Onwards)

Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission under MP Quota

This is a special provision provided by the Kendriya Vidyalayas. The member of parliaments both from Loksabha and Rajyasabha can nominate few childrens for admission. Only condition is that that they can nominate only in constituency from which they are nominated as MP.

The good thing is that the admissions under MP quota is not limited by sanctioned class strength. However the candidates must satisfy the minimum eligibility criteria. Also admissions will not be done in middle of academic year and all the admissions are done at the start of academic year along with regular admissions.

The recommendation has to be sent by the MP in a prescribed format in to KVS headquarters.

Closing thoughts

Getting admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas can be very good for your child as these schools provide the best of education and very good infrastructure. They not only have the best trained teachers, but also impart a very good social values in the children. There focus is equally on studies and sports with many inter school sports tournaments organized at district and state level. They also have a lot of focus on CCA activities. All the extra calculuar activities helps in child’s over all development and today an all round development is must for kids growth.

So friends I hope all your information needs on KV Admissions 2020-21 is clear. In case you need any more information do write back to me at skumar@indiacareeradvice.com or leave you message in the comment box below.

Good luck. Your friend Sanjeev!


Hello Friends, my name is Sanjeev Kumar. I am from Kanpur and I have been in the industry of education, training and mentoring for 20 years now. I love imparting what I have learnt and sharing my knowledge. I hope my articles benefit you.

On this website you will also find information regarding goverment jobs, goverment schemes , various scholorships , etc.

Hope you find all these information helpful!
You can write to me at skumar@indiacareeradvice.com

Articles: 118

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