Certifications in BlockChain

Like any other technology, block chain also have different areas which you can master. By different areas I mean you can work in BlockChain Development, Blockchain architecture, BlockChain Solution design, BlockChain security etc. So this is one aspect to look into. So you have certifications from the perspective of what role you are interested in.

Block chain is an emerging technology. It is the new buzzword in the technology space and hence lot of people are interested in learning block chain, Are you looking for a new job in block chain?While there are many resources online to learn blockchain. It is always always best to have a certification as well. In this post today I am going to cover some of the available BlockChain Certification..

If you are new to blockchain and need to start understanding, we have a post which explains this in a very simple way. It is a kind of non technical explanation of BlockChain. Please click on below.

Lus try to understand in a simple way what block chain is and how it can be helpful. Whether it is something which is going to be a future in IT industry and it is another technology which will come and go.
Click here to read the post
What is block chain

What are blockchain certification?

Like any other technology, block chain also have different areas which you can master. By different areas I mean you can work in BlockChain Development, Blockchain architecture, BlockChain Solution design, BlockChain security etc. So this is one aspect to look into. So you have certifications from the perspective of what role you are interested in.

Now there are different companies who have their own platform. Like Hyperledger, Ethereum, Corda block chains and you have certifications from there platform perspective.

So you need to first choose which one you need to go for and then work towards it. Today I am going to list down what are some of the popular certifications.

But, you need to look at these certifications from the perspective I have mentioned above.

Why get certified in BlockChain?

A certificate in blockchain technologies validates your experience in the area of BlockChain. It tells the world that you are an expert in the area and possess in-depth knowledge on block chain technologies and can design, develop, test and implement solutions based on block chain.

List of BlockChain certifications.

Below are the list of some top BlockChain certifications.

Hyperledger Certifications

Hyperledger under LINUX foundation is working on various industry level block chain solutions. It is an open source collaborative platforms. They have many solutions which are getting lot of industry attention. You have various certifications from Hyperledger which are quite prestigious.

Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator (CHFA)

The Certified Hyperledger Fabric Administrator (CHFA) show causes your knowledge in

  • build a secure Hyperledger Fabric network for commercial deployment,
  • ability to install, configure, operate, manage, and troubleshoot the nodes on that network.


Certified Hyperledger Sawtooth Administrator (CHSA)

The Certified Hyperledger Sawtooth Administrator (CHSA) show causes your knowledge to

  • effectively build a secure Hyperledger Sawtooth network for commercial deployment,
  • ability to install, configure, operate, manage, and troubleshoot the nodes on that network.


Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer (CHFD)

The Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer – develop and maintain client applications and smart contracts.


Corda Certifications

Corda is also a open source block chain platform for business. Corda certification is an important way to show cause your skills in developing Corda Applications. Corda has training come certification programs and you can look more at below link for the same.


Certification from BlockChain Training Alliance (BTA)

BTA is a another company which is completely focused on Block Chain certifications. These are global certification which can enhance your marketability. BTA has certifications in both Etehreum and Hyperledger. Below are the list of certifications.

BTA Certifications
BTA Certifications

Certified Blockchain Business Foundations (CBBF) – this is a certification designed for non technology professionals. The target audience for this certification are people who wish to understand block chain fundamentals. It is more suited for people like

  • IT Managers
  • IT leadership
  • Marketing and Sales Professionals
  • Business Analysts
  • People in sales etc

Certified Blockchain Solution Architect (CBSA) – Architect level certification in Blockchain

  • Architect blockchain solutions
  • Work effectively with blockchain engineers and technical leaders
  • Choose appropriate blockchain systems for various use cases
  • Work effectively with both public and permissioned blockchain systems

Certified Blockchain Developer – Ethereum (CBDE) – demonstrates your ability to

  • Plan and prepare production ready applications for the Ethereum blockchain
  • Write, test, and deploy secure Solidity smart contracts
  • Understand and work with Ethereum fees
  • Work within the bounds and limitations of the Ethereum blockchain
  • Use the essential tooling and systems needed to work with the Ethereum ecosystem

BTA Certified Blockchain Developer – Hyperledger Fabric (CBDH) – demonstrates you competence in

  • Plan and prepare production-ready applications for the Hyperledger blockchain
  • Write, test, and deploy secure chain code
  • Understand how to use Hyperledger Composer to rapidly build Hyperledger applications
  • Write chain code using either Go or NodeJS

Certified Blockchain Security Professional (CBSP) – topics covered under CBSP are

  • Fundamental Blockchain Security
  • Consensus in the Blockchain
  • Advanced Blockchain Security Mechanisms
  • Smart Contract Security
  • Blockchain Risk Assessment
  • Basic Blockchain Security
  • Blockchain for Business
  • Securely Implementing Business Blockchains
  • Network-Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks
  • System-Level Vulnerabilities and Attacks
  • Smart Contract Vulnerabilities and Attacks
  • Security of Alternative DLT Architectures


As I have mentioned before if you want to check this area out, first decide which BlockChain platform you would be interested in going in for certifications. Also which role you would be interested in. For example if you are already playing a architect role a certificate in Block Chain Architect will be really advantageous for you. Similarly if you are a developer, a developer certification is more suited. So there are couple of things which you should keep in mind before going for certificaiton.

BlockChain Certification is an important step towards showcasing your capability in the area of block chain and related technologies. This is an emerging technology and in as per one study in US and Europe this is the second faster growing skill set in demand and hence if you do a certification on this area you get the first mover advantage. In next couple of year when this technology matures, there will also be more professionals in market. So better to work towards it now and be ahead of curve. So all the best guys and go ahead and plan for these certifications. If you have any questions, do write back to me at skumar@indiacareeradvice.com or post your comments in comment box below. Good Luck!


Hello Friends, my name is Sanjeev Kumar. I am from Kanpur and I have been in the industry of education, training and mentoring for 20 years now. I love imparting what I have learnt and sharing my knowledge. I hope my articles benefit you.

On this website you will also find information regarding goverment jobs, goverment schemes , various scholorships , etc.

Hope you find all these information helpful!
You can write to me at skumar@indiacareeradvice.com

Articles: 115


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