Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in India – Choose a rewarding career

There are plenty of career options today in this world. We all want to have one of the best careers in our life. Once we have done schooling we should choose our further studies based on what we want in life and if you want a successful career then you should choose your path wisely. Why not to contemplate on this while you are in your school and are preparing for your graduation studies. Today I list down top 10 Highest paying jobs in India. And yes my list includes career path which majority of us can achieve very well if we take the right step and informed decision.

Now one word of caution here. All the jobs which I mention below needs lot of hard work and focus. If you give your best, you get the best. And I am very much sure that as a young blood you have the courage and belief to achieve the best in life. So look at the list below and decide what you want to do and plan accordingly!

List of top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in India

#1 Become a Doctor

Being doctor is one of the most respected profession today. And yes, doctors are one of the top most earners of money. This is number one when we look at the highest paying jobs in India.

Well they do a noble job no doubt about that, but they also earn a lot of money. A graduate medical student can easily get some where between 80 K to 100 K per month in an reputed hospital in a Tier 1 city. Now this will be a bit less in Tier II and Tier III cities, but will still be one of the top salaries in the area. And the more specialized you are the better the package is. So doing an MS/MD is next best choice.


Becoming a doctor needs hard work, but if you plan well you can crack it very well. The competition for medical studies is quite high. You need to clear NEET examination to get a seat in medical entrance examination. If you are able to get good colleges like AIIMS, AFMC, CMC Vellore, Kasturba Medical College Manipal and like that many other top medical colleges in country, then there is no looking back.

What more this is one of the professions where you can start your own clinic when you have gained some experience.

#2 Become a Data Scientist / Machine Learning Expert – High pay job in IT

Today Artifical Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Scientists are in high demand. The reason for this is the growing adoption of Data Science and Machinne Learning by organizations and as well as in our day to day life. We are more drive by AI today than we were 5 years back. And this is not going to stop. Hence it is a very good career option and is one of the highest paying job today.

If you are looking for Data Science as career, you can click here for more guidance.

Today a good data scientist or a machine learning expert can make an upwards of 50 Lakhs / Annum. So this is a very high paying job.

# 3 Become a Chartered Accountant

This is another career option which is one of the highest paying jobs in India. A well reputed chartered accountant earns 3 to 5 Lakh per month and as experience increases, the salaries can be upwards of 5 Lakhs per month.

One of the best career options for people with commerce stream. But becoming a CA is very very tough. The pass percentage is hardly 2% and hence it takes lot of time and effort to become a CA. But this effort is worth it.

Click here to know more on Career in CA

#4 Become an Investment Banker

Investment banking and thanks to some good Hollywood and Bollywood movies, this profession became a bit glamorized. But this profession does offer one of the highest pays in India and across the world. So what does a Investment Banker does?

Investment Bankers helps the banks or financial institution they are associated with to invest their money in best possible way to earn maximum money. It has always been one of the highest paying jobs in India.

You need to be an MBA in finance with an specialization in Investment Banking. A mid level Investment Banker can easily earn 40 to 50 Lakh/year.

#5 Become a Commercial Pilot

Becoming a commercial pilot with an airline is a dream for many. Till today this is one of the high paying jobs in India. There was a time when only Air India used to operate but today we have lots of airlines operating in the skies and hence the requirements of pilots are also increasing and with more and more people preferring air travel this is going to increase.

A pilot can easily make 1.5 to 5 Lakhs / month. So if you are looking for becoming a commercial pilot. Go ahead!. But also remember that the education / training for pilot is quite costly and also not easy. So don’t jump into this career just because you get fascinated with this. Go only if you are serious about making a career in commercial flying.

We have a very good article on this. You can read more here.

#6 Become a Company Secretary

Like CA, Company Secretary is also one of the mandatory requirement for any organization. With more focus on Startups and small scale industries and governments friendly policies lot of people are taking the jump in entrepreneurship and hence with all these new companies, is the need of a Company Secretary.

CS can also be a extremely high paying cafree. With couple of years of experience you can easily earn some where between 10 to 15 Lakhs per annum and as you gain experience, this salary can be not limit. So from perspective CS can be highly rewarding career.

Read more on CS on ICSI website

#7 Become a IT Product Manager

IT product manager is an interesting field. IT product managers are one of he highest paid professionals today. There are 2 types of IT companies as I have mentioned before. Services companies and product companies and companies can have both practices. Product companies are companies which develop IT products. For example an Antivirus company will develop an Antivirus products.

A product manager owns the complete strategy behind a product. The success of a product depends upon how well a product has been planned, developed and tested.

hence IT product manager is a very key professional role and if you are a IT/computer Science student, you can plan this as a career. It needs lot of hard work.

But the pay is fantastic. An IT product manager in a reputed company will very well make around 30 :L to 40 L per annum.

Product Manager Certification from AIPMM

Or check this from UpGrad.

#8 Cabin Crew / Flight Attendant

Flying is skies has been a dream for many. Being a cabin crew member with an airline is a very lucrative career options.

Flying is skies has been a dream for many. Being a cabin crew member with an airline is a very lucrative career options.

cabin crew

The eligibility criteria to become a Flight Attendant or Cabin crew in India is not that tough. Good in spoken English and desirable to have knowledge of one foreign language. Age 18 to 26 year. But most A minimum of 5.5 Ft Height and Eyesight 20/30 or better. But only unmarried candidates are allowed.
All the airlines generally take candidates based on Written test, Group Discussions and Personal Interviews.

A cabin crew can easily earn around 60K to 1L per month in an international airline and then their are many other perks. We have a good article on this please read here..

#9 Management Professionals

This one used to be one of the most sought after profession 10 to 15 years back. There were few institutes giving an MBA degree and they were top notch. Today as well if you have MBA’s from institutes like IIM, IIT, NIT, XLRI, NIMS etc .. you are one of the most sought after.

So yes management professionals are highly paid if you have a degree from top notch institutes. There are a lot of institutes offering MBA today, but you cannot demand a high salary is you are not from the above league.

An MBA from these top notch institutes can easily get 15 to 20 Lakh per annum as starting salary and definitely the salary is going to improve as per experience. An MBA from these colleges can very well command a salary upwards of 40 to 50 L per annum with 5 to 10 years of experience.

So if an MBA interests you, go for it, but from these colleged.

Read more on IIM’s

#10 Become a Captain in Merchant Navy

It is a very high demanding career. Both physically and mentally. But salaries are attractive. It is physically and mentally demanding as you can be on board a ship and away from family for a long time and infact it can stretch from 6 months to 9 months.

Merchant Navy

Nevertheless, the salaries make this job attractive. A captain on a Merchant Navy ship can easily earn up to Rs 2L per month. Salaries can be more as well depending upon the company and the ship.

So friends I hope you liked this information on top Highest Paying Jobs in India. So plan your move well. Check out your interest and then plan what you want to do next. If you have any questions write to me at or post your comments in comment box below. You friend Sanjeev!


Hello Friends, my name is Sanjeev Kumar. I am from Kanpur and I have been in the industry of education, training and mentoring for 20 years now. I love imparting what I have learnt and sharing my knowledge. I hope my articles benefit you.

On this website you will also find information regarding goverment jobs, goverment schemes , various scholorships , etc.

Hope you find all these information helpful!
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