National Maritime Day India – 5th April

National Maritime Day India : The National Maritime Day is celebrated on the 5th of April every year in India.

National Maritime Day India is celebrated to show awareness in the intercontinental commerce and global economy.

Shipping is known to be the most well organized transport from one part of the world to another. It is also considered safe and sound. It is an environmentally friendly mode of transport.

Shipping has also contributed to the global economy as there is an exchange between countries.

This mode of transport is being used by humans for centuries now. In fact, it was the only major way of sending goods across continents a few decades ago.

When did formal shipping start in India?

It began in the year 1919 on April 5th when SS loyalty travelled from Mumbai to London.

It was the first ship of the Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd. But even during the Indus civilization, there was trade through the sea. People from across the seven seas would come for trade.

They would buy stuff they needed and sell the ones they had brought from their home.

What is the first dock known in India?

The first dock known in India is in Lothal. It was dated back to the year 2400BC. The journey undertaken by men and women was not only for trade, but it was done to spread religion as well.

There have been so many cultural and spiritual amalgamations due to these trips.

The Harappan people are known to have great knowledge of hydrography or maritime engineering as they had built a trapezoidal dock. Rulers too made the journey to conquer land and create a vast empire.

During the Neolithic Age, it has been found by the means of excavation, that indigenous people knew the design and method of making boats.

It also shows they had intricate tools to make all the beautiful and designs. Britishers too came by the same route and became rich.

They brought things to trade through the ships and filled all the treasure they had looted and took it away by ships to become rich.

Today’s Navy

The Indian Naval fleet after Independence has 33 decorated ships and 538 officers and more than secure the coastline.

The coastline of India is 7500kms long. There are 1280 small and big islands as well to be guarded by these men.

The navy holds annual joint military exercise along with the other commonwealth country navies.

The navy has also started developing exercises with the US navy and Israel. This is being done so that is someday, worst-case scenario there is war, the navies shall be prepared and able to coordinate and help each other.

The whole fleet includes Frigates, submarines, Corvettes, and destroyers. Some have been made indigenously and some have been bought from other countries.

They are all designed under special programs specifically for battle.

The whole feet have risen to occasion whenever needed. In testing times, the Indian navy and its men have guarded the boundaries of the nation well.

They hold the integrity of the land and also help in times of natural disaster.

The various situations were such as operation cactus, Indian Integration of Junagadh, peacekeeping mission by UN, the liberation of Goa, the war of 1965 and 1972. Also, the repatriation of Indians from Kuwait during the first gulf war.

Private shipping industry in India

In India, there are around 43 shipping companies. They have a total of 1401 ships and counting.

The total things transported by them is around 12.69 tonnes all together. India is excelling in the maritime industry.

It has also become a member of the Maritime Organization.

First National Maritime Day in India

It was celebrated for the first time on 5th April 1964. It is the first time an indigenous navigation company made a journey to the United Kingdom.

It was the first time the Indian company ship was started, as earlier all the shipping companies were controlled and managed by the Britishers.

Later the intercontinental commerce started, and the global economy also came to a boom.

Every day there is a special theme set for the occasion. There is an award ceremony for those who have made outstanding contributions in the Indian maritime sector.

The awardees are given the highest awards for the sustained contribution as well. The Varun Award is given a citation. It comprises a scroll of honour and a lord Varuna Statue. NMD award of excellence is also presented the same day. It is a trophy and a citation given to the awardee. It is given to a person for his lifetime achievements in the field of maritime. It is generally given to the senior level officers for their outstanding performance in the maritime sector. The other award is given in the field of maritime education and training. This award too comprises of a citation as well as a trophy for the deserving people.

Other facts related to National Maritime Day

  • In the year 2020, the 57th edition of the celebration was held. The theme of this celebration was sustainable shipping for a sustainable planet.
  • The theme of the year 2019 was the Indian ocean – An ocean of opportunities.
  • Walchand Hirachand, was the first president of the INSA ( Indian National Shipowner Association) was the chairman of Scindia Steam Navigation.

Summary – National Maritime Day India

Navy of a country is an integral part of the armed forces. They help defend the boundaries and also serve during times of tough times like natural disasters.

There are also shipping companies doing well in the global economy. They have helped the country go ahead in the competition of the transport industry.

This transport by the means of ships is a way old method. It was used by the Indus civilization as well. It is the same route by which Britishers came to India and ruled India for so many years.

But now after independence, the navy has strengthened the situation of India among the neighboring countries.


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