Have you taken commerce as a subject in class 12th and your exams are over. Are you wondering what to do next and what are the Professional courses after 12th Commerce. Let’s have a look.
So why do we study commerce?
Commerce as a stream helps in understanding –
- Business
- Accounts
- Finance
- Economics
And you will agree with me that today the world revolves around Economy! So Commerce as allied streams are one of the most important study areas. After you have done 12th you will be looking for the graduate courses in commerce and what are those?

Professional courses after 12th Commerce
So let us look at some popular graduate courses after 12th in commerce stream. All these courses are in general offered by most of the universities and colleges.
Bachelor Of Commerce (B.Com)
This is one of the most popular courses with majority of students opting for this. This is a general course in commerce and is of 3 years duration. Focus in on general economics, accounting, business and marketing and business laws
Bachelor Of Business Administration (BBA)
Again a 3 year course but more focuses on business aspects, like business administration, business process, business methodologies etc
Bachelor Of Business Economics ( BBE)
This is again a 3 year graduate course but is more specialized in nature with focus more on Economics. Area like Agri Economica, Micro / Macro Economic environment, India Economic scenario in details. International trade and economics are covered
Bachelor Of Management Studies (BMS)
This is again an undergraduate program, ie. 3 year duration program in India which more on topics like organizational behaviour, human resource management, labour management, negotiations, compensation systems etc. But also covers regular business and accounting topics.
Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)
Just like BMS, BBE etc this is also a 3 year undergraduate course which focuses on business and finance with subjects like Marketing, Economics, Human Resources,Organizational Finance, accounting, computers etc.
Bachelor Of Law (LLB)
This is a course which is focussed towards LAW.. Course is governed by Bar council of India (BCI) and any students from all streams can do this, You need to have interest in Law.
Foundation Course for CA / CS
CA or CS is one of the best career options in India today and you can start your preparation immediately after 12th by joining the foundation courses for CA and CS. There are many training institutes which offer these courses.
So if you see there are lots and lots of opportunities in this area. Once you have completed your graduation, you can do Post Graduation in your field. Areas like
Post graduate courses in Commerce and Business Administration.
- MCOM ( master of commerce)
- MBA (master in Business Administration with most popular from being IIM’s, IIFT, SP JAIN, NARSEE MONJEE, XLRI etc) with specialization in
- Operations
- Finance
- Marketing
- Human Resource development etc
- MBA in Foreign trade. Most poupat being from IIFT
- MBA in Project Management
- CA (Chartered Accountant)
- CS
- CFA (Certified financial Analyst)
Most of the colleges do require an entrance test. For example IIM’s take through CAT, which XLRI has its own XAT entrance test.
You can also write GMAT and apply in foreign universities, if you are interested in a foreign masters degree in commerce and business.
So friends, I hope you have some clarity now. If you have any questions, write to me at skumar@indiacareeradvice.com or leave your comment in comment box below.
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