Top 10 Blog ideas for 2020 to make money – Practical Advice

Do you have an thought to start a blog and are seriously looking to start your own blog in 2020. But you are not sure on what topics you want to write. You are not sure if you are going to be successful writer. Are you nodding your head? You are not alone. I was in the same boat when I started blogging. If you have a command over good writing articles you can be a successful blogger, but you need to choose a topic which can be interesting as well. Today I am going to suggest you top 10 blog ideas which can be a hit.

We have a very nice article on how to start blogging. You can click here to read more. This article provides a step by step guide on how to start a blog and will definitely be helpful.

Top 10 blog ideas

So below are my list of top 10 blog ideas which has the potential of becoming an instant hit.

Local cuisine – best blog topic

India is a country with many different cultures and regions. Every region or culture has a different speciality. What region you belong to? Are you from Konkan region? Why not bring Konkani cuisine in front of people. Ok, if you are not still convinced, go to google and search for “Rajasthani Food” you will see various questions people are asking related to this topic.

People in India move to different places for work etc. Central govt employees are across country and people in private jobs move across country as well. When they are away from home they long for their home made food. At home our mothers are able to prepare mouth watering food or guide us how to do, but when you are in a different region, you look for quick step by step guide.

If you are good and are able to write well, this topic can be sure shot hit.


  • Keep the name of the blog in such a way that with name itself it is easy to tell which region’s speciality you are offering.
  • Try to also give content in your local language!

Local City Guide – A nice blog idea

Do you know your city more than any one else does? Why not be a virtual city guide? There are hundreds and hundreds of people who travel to different cities every day and they look for lot of information. Today with technology in hand they want to learn about the city before they go and this gives you an opportunity to provide them the information they are looking for via your blog.

Be known as an expert whom people should turn to if they are looking for information. A city guide is a huge topic by itself. You can write about

  • Places of tourist interests in your city
  • Places of commercial activity
  • Places for shopping
  • Places for kids activities
  • Local Bazaars
  • Local culture and history
  • Different routes in the city
  • Transportation in the city

Ah ! endless, you can just keep writing. But you need to make sure that whatever you are writing is correct and information which is something people can use.

Tip: Provide as much details as possible

Off Beat Travel Destinations – unique travel blog topic

There are lots of travel blogging websites today, In India as well as abroad. Travel is something which is a ever green topic and you are not the only one if you decide to write about it.

But people today are more explorative and hence they are looking for many off beat travel destinations which are less crowded and also offers a great experience and value for money.

Are you one of such traveller? Why not to put your thoughts in a blog. Remember blogging is also a great way to earn money. Let your passion make some money for you.

Tip: Visit the palace, experience it first and then write about it. Be authentic

How to engage kids during vacations – most sought after

Believe me this is one of the most searched topic on net and still difficult to find sufficient information.

Engaging kids during vacations has always been a challenge for parents. Summer vacations are on now and this is one of the most searched topic on internet. Are you a mom who knows very well on how engage kids during such time. Why not to share this idea with all other moms around.

Or are you a teacher and you have a wonderful list of advice for parents. Share it on internet. Make a blog out of it and also make money. Yes you can monetize your blog to make money.

We have a nice article on how to make money using adsense . Check it out!

Movies and TV Serial reviews – Lots of interest in this blog

How many times you have searched for an upcoming movie information or information on your favourite TV serial. Or how many times you have tried to search internet on the new movies which have been launched.

People love reviews, the authentic review, by people like you and me. If you are a movie and TV Serial fan, you will have some nice opinions in this space. Why not to convert this into a blog and earn money. If you are serious about making money using blog do some more research on this topic and you will know what I am talking about.

Mobile Game review – A hit blog topic with youngestors

Are you into mobile games a lot. You love playing online games. Computer games have become a part of our lives. When a new game is released people rush to know more about it and as I have mentioned before, people love reviews.

So if you are an expert in a game you can create a big blog around it and create a big fan base around it. There are lot of people who are doing this successfully and you can do it as well.

Tip: Don’t write it for all the games you play. Keep it limited to 3 or 4 , but provide all the information on that game.

Retirement and Pension planning – A nice blog topic for working class

India has a large workforce and people are waking up to investing and planning for their retirement. You can ask me that already there are insurance companies and banks doing it. Yes they are , but they are selling their products. How many times you have seen a bank or life insurance companies giving a honest review of other products?

People will like to know about these products in an unbiased manner and you are a knowledgeable person in this area you can make this into a nice blog in this particular niche.

DIY Projects / Science Projects

Yes this topic is very interesting but not many people are able to write about it. Are you one of the types who love to do such projects yourselves and are also engaging your kids in such projects. Believe me if you are able to provide this information in form of a step by step guide, you are going to make this world take a notice of your work.

Many of us are of that creative type but due to hesitation, we don’t work on bringing this information on blog. You can try this one of the cool blog ideas.

Write a Story or Poem in local language – engage with local population

Are you a story writer in your mother tongue. For example do you write stories or poems in Kannada, Tamil, Telgu, Malayalam, Maratrhi, Hindi, Punjabi etc .. creating a blog in your own local language and posting you creation on it can be super hit. Try it out. It is one of the wonderful blog ideas I have for you today.

Become a story writer , A shayari writer or Poem Writer in 2020. What more , once you have a sufficient content you can get it published as well.

Home improvement & Decoration – Every woman’s dream

This is one of the most searched topics on internet. People are looking for ways to beautify their home. Decorate their home with authentic and modern items. You can have various categories in which you can talk about.

What else, you can also tie up with various shops and chains in this space and write reviews about them and bring traffic on your website which can turn into business.

Closing thoughts

Blogging can be fun, Blogging can stress buster, Blogging can be a learning experience and also Blogging can help you make money. These are blog ideas, which can definitely help you with a successful blogging in 2020, but remember you need to be consistent and provide quality content. If you are passionate about any of the topics which I have listed, there is nothing better than that. If you are able to write well , research on a topic well before writing. We have very good article on how to start blogging and how to make money with blog. You can check those out as well. I hope you like this information on blog ideas. If you have any comments or have any questions do leave your question. in the comment box below or write to me at

Your friend Sanjeev!


Hello Friends, my name is Sanjeev Kumar. I am from Kanpur and I have been in the industry of education, training and mentoring for 20 years now. I love imparting what I have learnt and sharing my knowledge. I hope my articles benefit you.

On this website you will also find information regarding goverment jobs, goverment schemes , various scholorships , etc.

Hope you find all these information helpful!
You can write to me at

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