How to start Blogging?

Blogging has become a craze today. Do you have passion in writing or are knowledgeable in an area which can be highly beneficial to people and want to tell people about that. All these can be done via blogging. So how to start a blog? Let us look at how to start a blog in less than 20 mins.

Don;’t have time. Check out the video instead

So what is a blog and what is blogging?

Blog is nothing but an information posted on a (blog) website. This information are called as posts and are time stamped with date and time this information is posted on the website. The information or the posts are visible in reverse chronological order. i.e the latest ones are visible first or at the top.

For example is blog which has information related to career and education.

The posts which are latest are at the top.

The job of writing posts are called as blogging and person who does that is a blogger. You can be blogger for your personal blog or can be employed with some one who does blogging. Either way you are a good writer and are knowledgeable in the area you are writing.

How to start a blog?

Starting a blog itself is very easy. Setting up a blog today can be done in as less as 20 mins. But below steps needs to be completed before that.

  1. Decide on you niche. That is decide on the topic you wish to blog. Remember blogging needs effort and time and hence you should enjoy the topic on which you wish to write , i.e you wish to blog.
  2. Choose a platform on which you will write blogs – there are many on internet.
    • Free blogging platform (shared blog hosting platforms by companies like google)
    • Self hosted blog
  3. You need to decide which one you want to start with.

Once you have decided on above, you just need to setup you bog as below

For free blogging platforms

  • Register your self on the blogging platform . ie. create you user name and blog name
  • Select the design of your blog
  • Start blogging

For self hosting blogs

  • Register a domain ( websites like godaddy, bigrock, znet)
  • Register for a hosting service (again websites like godaddy, bigrock and znet)
  • Choose a blogging software like wordpress, drupal etc
  • Choose a desing
  • Start blogging.

Why should you blog?

There are many reasons people blog. You can have your reason for blogging and some else may have theirs. People blog

  • To share their day day challenges
  • To share their experiences
  • To share travel stories
  • To write on technology
  • To write on fashion
  • Or they just love writing.

Point I am trying to make is that blogging can be on any topic. You should just have the interest in sharing the knowledge you have.

In which languages you can blog?

Today you can blog in any language. English is most popular one and most of the blogs are on english. But today you can blog in any language. There are good number of blogs in Hindi, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Tamil, Telgu, Kannada etc.

Can you earn using a blog? Do bloggers make money?

Yes today blogging can be a good source of earning. There are many people who make their full time living using blogging. The best way to earn money using blogs are

  • Ad placements on your blog – like Adsense
  • Affiliate Marketing – ie. promoting products

What are the common topics of Blogging?

There are many topics . You can choose the topic which interests you.

Topic like

  • Travel
  • Movies
  • Fashion
  • Technology
  • Programming and software
  • Health
  • etc

These are some common topics.

What are some good blogging platforms?

There are many , but I am listing down some popular ones. In our many future posts we will try to cover them in detail.

  • Blogger
  • Tumblr
  • Medium
  • typepad

Can I blog for free?

Ofcourse you can. You can start on the best free blogging platform blogger. Then you can also use which also offers a free platform.

So friends if you are really looking for blogging go ahead and start. Whether you are a passionate writer or you want to earn some money or you want to make a full time career in blogging , today is the time to start…

So go ahead and in case you have any questions you can write to me at


Hello Friends, my name is Sanjeev Kumar. I am from Kanpur and I have been in the industry of education, training and mentoring for 20 years now. I love imparting what I have learnt and sharing my knowledge. I hope my articles benefit you.

On this website you will also find information regarding goverment jobs, goverment schemes , various scholorships , etc.

Hope you find all these information helpful!
You can write to me at

Articles: 115


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